Research services

If you are interested on doing your electrophysiology experiment with us, please check out the guidelines for submission and public fees below:

Submission guidelines

The principal investigators interest in carrying an electrophysiology experiment with us must send the following documentation to

1. Pre-project: a preliminary project proposal in form of a one-page summary including the relevant background and main objectives and hypothesis of the experiment. The C3N technical committee will study the proposal in terms of viability and will send feedback to PI in one-week’s time.

2. Project: after the recommendations made by the technical committee, PIs must elaborate a 10-pages project description including the relevant background, the specific objectives and hypothesis, the proposed methods and the expected scientific and social impact of the results. The C3N technical committee will study the full-length project in in two-weeks’ time and could make further recommendations.

Magnetoencephalography recordings fees

MEG recording
– UCM staff: 350€
– Non UCM staff: 500€

MEG recording + signal analysis
– UCM staff: 450€
– Non UCM staff: 600€

*fee for individual recording